Does my website need a redesign?
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Is your website getting old and in need of an update? Today we’re looking at what you should think about when deciding whether your website needs a redesign.

Is your website easy-to-use?

Is your website easy to navigate? Can users find the pages they want with ease? This is one of the most important parts of any website. A good website should be easy to navigate. This can be achieved by having a well thought out menu bar at the top of your website as well as buttons that link to other pages.

On top of that, your website should have text that is easy to read too. This means having well-sized text while also making sure it’s the right colour too (so it’s easy to read against it’s background).

 If your website isn’t easy to navigate or read it’s time to consider a redesign!

Is your website fast?

One of the key factors in ranking higher in Google searches is the speed and load time of your website. As well as helping you rank quicker, you’re more likely to keep users on your website if your web pages open quickly.

If your website isn’t fast a redesign of your website could be the right choice!

Does my website do what I need it to?

This question differs for every single website. Some websites may be used solely for helping people learn information while others may be an ecommerce store.

To decide whether your website is doing what you need it to there a two simple steps. First, write down why you have your website and what you need out of it. Then, go check your website!

If your website isn’t doing it’s job or could be serving it’s purpose better, it’s time for a redesign!


Hopefully you can now assess your website and decide whether it needs a redesign or not. If you’re ready for a website redesign make sure to check out our Web Design Ireland packages!

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